ÖH increases social fund by 200,000 euros

31. October 2022
pa erhoehung sozialfonds 0 2ab

In the future, 455,000 euros per year will be available for students in financial need

In the future, 455,000 euros per year will be available for students in financial need

The current wave of inflation is placing an enormous burden on students. In order to be able to relieve more students in financial emergencies, the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) is increasing its social fund by 200,000 euros to 455,000 euros per year – this was decided last weekend at the meeting of the ÖH federal representation. Keya Baier from the ÖH chairmanship team commented: “With this increase from 255,000 euros to a total of 455,000 euros, we can support even more students in financial need. Especially in view of the current wave of inflation, which is hitting students hard, this is an enormously important step.”

Sara Velić from the ÖH chairmanship team continues: “Two out of three students are confronted with financial problems during their studies, which are currently exacerbated by rising living costs due to inflation. With the social fund, we are providing urgently needed relief.” An application can be made on the ÖH website(www.oeh.ac.at). All you need to do is upload the necessary forms and documents.

“We clearly see it as the government’s task to ensure the financial security of students, but they regularly forget about our situation. Therefore, it is a central concern for us as an interest group to be able to offer students support as easily as possible,” concludes Boryana Badinska from the ÖH chairmanship team. In addition to its own support services, the ÖH will continue to lobby politically vis-à-vis the federal government for financial relief for students.

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