Welcome to the Austrian National Union of Students

The federal representation of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) is the representation of all students at universities, private universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of education.

The ÖH is directly elected every two years by all students and is the voice of the students towards the universities and politics.

List of demands: The universities to the students

The ÖH presents a 3-point plan for fair universities


ÖH Social Fund: Support in financial emergencies

The Social Fund of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) offers all students who are members of the ÖH and are in a particular financial emergency situation the opportunity to receive a one-time grant every 12 months.

The ÖH Federal Representation

The meeting of the federal representation is the highest body of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) and meets at least 2 times per semester.