Call for Trainers! ÖH-Seminar (November 15 to 17, 2024)

21. August 2024

Die ÖH Bundesvertretung sucht für das ÖH-Seminar von 15.-17. November 2024 Trainer_innen!

What is the ÖH-Seminar?

With around 150 participants, the ÖH-Seminar is by far the largest educational event organized by the Austrian National Union of Students. The ÖH-Seminar offers student representatives the opportunity to receive further training on a wide range of topics. These workshops focus on different topics and methods in order to develop the participants’ skills in the best way possible. In addition to further training throughout the planned workshops, there is a networking character that is extremely valuable among the various student representatives from all university sectors. This promotes cooperation and collaboration on future projects, as well as the transfer of knowledge.

What are the general conditions?

Date: November 15 to 17, 2024

Location: Jugendgästehaus St. Gilgen

What do we expect offer?

We expect:

  • Ability to lead workshops and knowledge of group dynamics (people with completed trainer qualification preferred)
  • Expertise in the taught subject area
  • Knowledge of the ÖH and representation work
  • Joy of working with people
  • Post-processing of the content so that it can be made available digitally after the event

We offer:

  • 1,440 € fee per trainer (180 € per 90 min unit excl. VAT à 8 units) on a contract basis
  • Accommodation and meals are covered by the ÖH
  • Contact and networking with committed volunteers

Which workshops can you apply for?

Each workshop should be held by 2 trainers. The type of didactic preparation is the responsibility of the trainers, whereby this should be tailored to the content. It is important that at least the content listed is covered. Each workshop has a maximum number of 15 participants.

The workshops offered are listed here (Attention: Only the english workshops are listed below, click here for the complete list: ):

Mental Health for Students Representatives (English)
How do you strike a balance between being active as a student representative and your own mental health? The workshop is dedicated to the question of how political work can best be balanced with one’s own mental health and how to best take care of oneself and each other in a team.

Ecologically Sustainable Higher Education (English)
This workshop is all about ecological sustainability! How can higher education institutions become climate-neutral and what measures are needed to achieve this? Participants will collaborate to identify essential steps for creating climate-friendly universities and determine the necessary actions stakeholders must take.

Inclusive higher education (English)
Inclusive universities are a central component of an equitable and diverse educational society. They ensure that all students – regardless of their individual backgrounds and needs – have equal access to education and can learn in a supportive environment. The workshop focuses on what measures are needed at higher education institutions for more inclusivity and the actions higher education representatives can take to improve diversity and inclusion.

Where do I send my application?

Send us your complete application by e-mail to 13.09.2024 an

In addition to a brief resume and contact information, your application should also include the following:

  • Which workshop are you applying for?
  • What experience have you already gained as a trainer in a student context?
  • What experience do you have in the field of the workshop?
  • Briefly outline how you would organize your workshop on the chosen topic.
  • Please apply in the respective workshop language, with a brief explanation of why you are qualified to lead a workshop in that language
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