ÖH contribution

View “What happens to your ÖH fee?”

Amount of the ÖH contribution?

EUR 24,70

You can always find the current calculation of the ÖH contribution under “Publications“.

What is my ÖH contribution used for?

The ÖH fee enables the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) to provide a comprehensive range of services and to act as a strong and independent representative of students vis-à-vis the responsible ministries. The compulsory membership in the ÖH guarantees a politically independent action of the ÖH due to its financial independence.

Basically, 70 cents of your ÖH fee are used for the ÖH accident and liability insurance, with which you are always on the safe side in and around your studies. Of the remaining amount, 13 percent goes to federal representation and 87 percent goes to individual university representation.

This 13 percent essentially finances the extensive advice, funding pots, brochures, events and all other offers, which you can generally use free of charge. But also the local university representatives promote projects of students, support in emergency situations and realize projects that make your everyday study life easier directly on site. For all further questions concerning the nationwide use of the ÖH contribution, you can always contact the economic department of the ÖH-Bundesvertretung and regarding the university-specific uses, the economic department at your university.

ÖH Insurance

70 cents of your ÖH fee are used directly for the ÖH accident and liability insurance. This guarantees you comprehensive accident and liability insurance on the way to the university or, for example, in the USI course, which covers (almost) all eventualities.

Why is the ÖH fee changing?

The amount of the ÖH fee is regulated by the Student Union Act (in short: HSG; here § 38 para. 3). This states that the student fee per academic year will increase by the applicable rate of increase in the 2010 Consumer Price Index. The resulting amount shall be rounded up to half or whole euros. The chairperson of the ÖH-Bundesvertretung shall announce the amount of the student fee for the following academic year in an appropriate form by May 1 of each year at the latest. It is therefore not at the discretion of the ÖH-Bundesvertretung to change the ÖH fee. The HSG provides for a mandatory annual adjustment of the ÖH contribution in the statutory provisions.

Reimbursement of the ÖH fee?

However, under certain conditions, the ÖH will generally refund ÖH fees that have been paid twice or more. Here you can find out how.