ÖH anti-inflation summit demands: “Youth and education must not be forgotten in the inflation”.

26. September 2022
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Under the title “Solidarisch gegen die Teuerung” (“In solidarity against inflation”) the Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft together with the Österreichische Gewerkschaftsjugend (“Austrian Trade Union Youth”) present demands against inflation.

The current crises with the resulting inflationary dynamics are putting the livelihoods of many people at risk. As representatives of the interests of students and young employees, the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) and the ÖGJ have joined forces to formulate demands to politicians within the framework of an anti-inflation summit together with other youth organizations and interest groups. “The current situation is serious! There is an urgent need for action on the part of the federal government. With our demands, we make clear what is now particularly important for young people!”, emphasize ÖH and ÖGJ in unison.

A central point of demand in view of the current price explosions is cost-of-living adjustment for all public educational institutions. Keya Baier from the ÖH chairmanship team comments: “Universities and educational institutions are facing a catastrophe if they have to cope with the rapidly increasing fixed costs in the coming winter. That’s why we’re asking for financial support from the state to fully cover the additional costs.”

“Apprentices, students and their families need special support during this difficult time. In the form of a higher family allowance and the doubling of the school start money can be provided here for urgently needed relief. Education must not depend on the parents’ wallets,” says ÖGJ Chairman Richard Tiefenbacher. In addition, ÖH and ÖGJ demand more support for students who work alongside their studies, for example by raising the additional earnings limit in the grant system and expanding the group of recipients of student grants.

In order to improve the situation for students, the ÖH already addressed measures to the federal government in August. Sara Velić from the ÖH chairmanship team explains: “The current inflation exacerbates already existing financial problems for students many times over. We finally demand a student grant that is enough to live on, as well as a waiver of tuition fees, which has actually been urgently needed since the Corona crisis.” Furthermore, the ÖH demands a rent cap as well as a basic energy entitlement for necessary energy consumption and, in addition, progressive tariff levels for excess energy consumption.

Dependence on fossil fuels is a major problem, both in terms of climate and geopolitics. Therefore, measures for a climate-social turnaround are also an essential area of demand. “It is actually already ten past twelve for the government to finally take the fight against the climate catastrophe seriously in hand. For this reason, we demand a rapid expansion of renewable energies and to relieve the financial burden also a free climate ticket for students and young workers!”, says Naima Gobara from the ÖH chairmanship team.

In conclusion, ÖH and ÖGJ emphasize: “The crises of our time must be overcome – but this must never happen at the expense of the young generation. We want to be involved in the political processes so that an affordable and livable future is guaranteed for us.”

ÖH & Expenses. Further reading also in the ÖH demand catalog “Solidarisch gegen die Teuerung” and in our press kit.

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