Education Policy Department

The Department for Educational Policy is responsible for the educational policy agendas of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) and is established at the ÖH Federal Council according to § 36 Abs 2 Z 1 Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftsgesetz 2014 (HSG).

You can reach the Department for Education Policy by e-mail or by phone at +43/1/310 88 80 -38. Personal consultations can be arranged in urgent individual cases only after an appointment has been made and within the consultation hours. If you would like to make an appointment for a personal consultation, please send us an email with your request and the reason for the personal consultation. Please note that a personal consultation cannot take place without an appointment.

We stand and fight for:

We fight against:

How we achieve it:

You can find the reports of the department for education policy
centrally available in the 'BV-Sessions' area.

The reports of the department can be found here.


Education Policy Unit
Taubstummengasse 7-9, 4th floor
1040 Vienna


Phone: +43/1/310 88 80 – 38
Antonia Riegler
interim. Consultant
Magdalena Taxenbacher
Felix Kastner
Sophie Lehner
Clerk for Bologna agendas
Julia Alexandra Marz
Quality assurance clerk
Daniel Zeymer- von Metnitz
Clerk for private universities
Karin Pfeiffer
Lawyer in the Department for Education Policy

+43/1/310 88 80 - 38